On Stage and Screen
We begin this segment with Steve continuing his work on the Ralph Edwards Show. Steve spent each morning from 9 to 10 a.m. on the live broadcast. During his free time, Steve would spend a few hours each week taking singing and acting lessons. He also worked out at Burt Goodridge's gym.
As part of his training, Steve took singing lessons from vocal coach Tina Taylor Rone, a professional singer who taught students in a small Hollywood studio.
Steve said he really enjoyed singing and one of the reasons was because with music, you can tell right away how well you are performing. Quite different to film acting where you had to wait until the film was edited and on the screen. Steve practiced his singing for many hours back at his apartment.
Act Like Somebody!
Steve's acting coach was a retired stage actress, Edda Edson, who had performed for many years on Broadway. Edda was in her late sixties or early seventies and only worked with six students at one time at her home. This would allow each student to receive individual attention. She had a large hail where the students would perform various improvisations. She also taught the group presentation techniques.
One of the most important techniques Steve learned from her was how to interview in front of studio bosses. It is normal to become very nervous and insecure while waiting in a studio outer office for an interview.
According to Edda, you have to have the "attitude." When you are told to come into the office, you tell yourself, "I'm going in." You give yourself the command to enter, the interviewers are not giving you the command to come in. This simple command allows you to enter with self-confidence, feeling that you are in control.
Another thing Steve learned for doing a scene in which you are standing and about to walk off the scene, was to put your weight on your back foot or on just one foot so you can push off. The foot that doesn't have the weight on it can head you in any direction you want.
Steve's J. P. Getty Connection
One of Steve's classmates was a lady by the name of Teddy Getty ( J. Paul Getty's wife). Her stage name was Theodora Linch. She was studying to become an opera singer and was taking acting lessons to help with her performances.
The Gettys had a small daughter, about six years old at the time, and Steve would go to the Gettys palatial home for different events including an Easter egg hunt for their daughter and her friends. He was one of the very few people invited to visit with the Gettys at their home.
The house was located at a picturesque site in Pacific Palisades, located between Santa Monica and Malibu. (Until recently, it was used as the site of the Getty Museum of Art.)
Steve enjoyed visiting with the Gettys and marveled at the magnificent art collection displayed throughout their home. The Getty collection included many items on the laurels of "Hercules."
He's a Hollywood Movie Actor!
Infamous movie director Edward Wood was preparing for his next film "The Hidden Face" when he caught Steve on the Ralph Edwards show.
Wood contacted Steve's agent and sent him the script. After Steve and his agent read through it a deal was struck and Steve got his Screen Actors Guild card. When the call sheet (the dates and times of the shooting of Steve's scenes), was delivered, it was accompanied by a revised script with the new name "Jail Bait."
Shortly after signing for "Jail Bait", Steve was offered a part in "Athena." After carefully considering the role he would be playing in the film, he accepted it. The movie would be shooting in late summer.
Steve remembers meeting Ed Wood shortly after signing the contract. The ultimate in low budget film producers, Wood often called upon the cast to supply their own props, personal wardrobes, automobiles and even the use of someone's own home as a movie set!
Steve felt that Ed did an excellent job producing and directing the movie for the funds he had available to work with. He found it easy to work with Ed because he let his actors perform in their own style - would often allow only one take per scene. If he found a little something wrong with the timing or something else minor, he would make suggestions to the actor and move to the next scene.
"Jail Bait" is one of the few motion pictures that allows movie goers to hear Steve's real voice on screen. The only other films with his actual voice were "Kimbar" and "Athena". The other films that he starred in were dubbed with the voices of other actors, not that Steve's voice wasn't great for the part it was just the way they did the production on the movies he worked on.
Steve's role in "Jail Bait" took only a week of shooting time and was released within six months to enthusiastic audiences. Steve enjoyed working on the film with Lyle Talbert, who was a great actor of his time. Steve remembers Talbert as a really nice man who made the scenes much easier to perform because of his tremendous talent. The leading lady in the film was Dolores Fuller, Ed Wood's girlfriend at the time.
Time for Summer Stock
With that movie experience under his belt, Steve's agent thought that Steve should do some work in summer stock. He got Steve a part in the musical, "Wish You Were Here," scheduled for performances in Sacramento, California.
Steve and the cast rehearsed one week and performed the play the next week. Steve played a physical director from upstate New York, by the name of Harry "Muscles" Green. Steve's costume was boxer shorts, tennis shoes and socks. The show opened on June 14, 1954. It was in a theater-in-the-round held in a tent. The actors would have to come down a ramp to get on to the stage.
On opening night, and without any previous stage experience, Steve entered his scene by dribbling a basketball down the ramp leading to the stage. The audience went into an uproar of applause and laughter - making it difficult for Steve and his fellow cast member to hear each other's lines.
The other actor, who had a lot more stage experience, prompted Steve to repeat his lines. Normally they would wait for the applause to stop, then say their lines and continue their act. Steve was very excited, with this being his first stage appearance, and dribbling the basketball down the aisle with the crowd roaring and all. He was concentrating so much on what he was doing with the basketball, saying his lines and listening to the other actors lines, that he wasn't concerned about how he looked or sounded. His performance went over very well that first night.
The following night he thought to himself, "Boy, I'm really going to be good tonight." He was up and was eagerly waiting to make his entrance on stage. After receiving his cue, Steve started bouncing the basketball down the ramp and made his way to the stage thinking to himself, "1 bet I'm really looking good," and there was no audience reaction such as he received the previous night.
He was trying to make such a good impression that he was concentrating on how he looked, and how he was bouncing the ball that he fell out of character. Steve found out from the audience's cool reception that was the wrong thing to do. He realized, when performing, you must remain in character, thinking what the character would be thinking and doing, not what you as an individual is experiencing. After changing his approach, his performance went smoothly, like it had on the first night.
He also learned another important lesson in the art of performing: that he was spontaneous in acting and that there is always a certain type of audience who attend opening night and who become very enthusiastic.
Off to the Lights of Broadway
While waiting for "Athena" to start shooting, Steve signed on for another musical, "Kismet" which rehearsed in Los Angeles then opened in San Francisco. The company toured the country for the next month before it arrived for its debut on Broadway.
Steve got great reviews, but had to take a leave of absence during the Broadway run for the shooting of "Athena" co-starring Debbie Reynolds, Jane Powell and Vic Damon. He then returned to Broadway and "Kismet," and we'll return to more about Steve's exciting film and stage career in our next issue.
Also in this Issue:
SRIS News - Five articles on recent activity by Steve and SRIS
Nutrition and Fitness -The Muscle Manna Story
Steve Reeves Mailbox - Questions from fans around the globe
Celebrity Profile - Eugene Sandow - Bodybuilding Pioneer
Steve Reeves Exclusives - Many new photographs now available
Official SRIS Products
Steve Reeves International Society Newsletter Volumne 4 Number 2

Steve Hears Wedding Bells!
In our last issue, we related Steve's beginning in motion pictures subsequent roles on stage. In this segment, we cover the period he appeared on Broadway in the musical, "Kismet," and some very significant changes in his personal life.
In August 1954, Steve returned to Los Angeles to start shooting "Athena" with Debbie Reynolds and Jane Powell. After completing the film, he had a couple of weeks free before returning to New York. He was living on Hobart Street near Western and Franklin, in the Hollywood area.
The house was owned by Danny Blum, a New Yorker who wrote coffee table books about the theater. He met Steve while Steve was doing "Kismet" in New York and offered Steve the room while he was in Los Angeles. Danny's sister occupied the front house and he often let a few aspiring actors use the back house while they were in town. An interesting note is that the person who occupied the house just before Steve was no other than Charleston Heston.
Now that "Athena" was completed, Steve was feeling really good about everything and decided to spend some of his free time at the beach getting some sun. So Steve went down to Wilshire and Western and caught the bus to Santa Monica's Muscle Beach. At the time his prized '48 Ford convertible was stored at his mother's house in Oakland.
At the same time, a very beautiful young teenager of 17, Sandra Smith, was soon starting her senior year of high school. She was dating Larry Carr, a fitness buff who closely followed the bodybuilding scene. Occasionally he would show her pictures of different bodybuilders including Steve. At that time she wasn't overly impressed with these physical culturists.
One day near the end of summer, Sandra caught a ride to the beach with some friends. They took her to Muscle Beach, a beach she never been to before. After they picked a spot on the sand, she laid out a blanket and soon some other friends of Larry's friends joined the group. One blanket with eight people on it was quite jammed so she move to the edge of the blanket, facing the water and looking at the ocean while the others were talking among themselves and having a good time.
Steve got off the bus and walked down to the boardwalk from Main Street. He spotted the group on the beach and saw a few people he knew, so he walked over to them. Someone said, "Here comes Steve Reeves!" Sandra thought to herself, "I've heard that name, oh yea, one of those muscle guys, oh boy"... as she kept facing the water. One of the people on the blanket introduced Sandra to Steve. She turned her head around and said, "Hello" and turned back towards the water. Suddenly Steve shouted out, "Hey, let's all go in the water!" Everybody jumped up and ran to the water, except Sandra. And Steve.
He sat down beside her and said, "That got rid of them." She though that was very clever and was impressed, really impressed. For the next three weeks Steve and Sandra were inseparable. Steve sent Sandra special delivery cards each night, which the Post Office would deliver around 10:30 or 11:00 P.M.
The time passed quickly - too quickl y for Steve and Sandra. But now it was time for Steve to go back to New York and continue performing in Kismet." Sandra drove Steve to the airport and the two said their sad good-byes.
Back in New York, Steve picked up where he left off. "Kismet" had opened about nine months earlier on December 3, 1953 at the Ziegfield Theatre. The action of this musical "Arabian Nights" takes place in Baghdad within a twenty-four hour period. It was a Charles Lederer presentation of Edwin Lester's production of a musical play in two acts and fourteen scenes. Steve played one of the wizard's guards.
Steve's good friend John Weidemann, who also was appearing in the play, had a motorcycle and asked Steve if he wanted to take a ride one Sunday. John asked Steve, "Have you ever driven a motorcycle?" Steve replied, "No," and John said he would teach him. After receiving instructions from John on the shifting of gears and braking, the two were off with Steve at the helm. Once out towards the country every thing was going great and they were having a good time.
John spotted a little country store and thought it would be a good time to get something to drink. As they were now nearly past the store, John shouted in Steve's ear and pointed for him to "turn here!" Steve cranked the handlebars to the right but the front tire started to slide in the loose grave. Steve knew he wasn't going to make the turn.
He heard John say, "I'm bailingl" Steve laid the bike on its side and both he and the bike slide into a tree. He heard a loud "pop" and knew he had dislocated his shoulder. He immediately popped it back into the correct position, with the help of the tree. The two guys straightened the bike's front rim and limped it back to the city.
Steve went to a hospital to find out what damaged was done. He had dislocated his shoulder, fractured some ribs and messed up his hands. After a few days of recovery, Steve called Sandra and told her that he had to take some time off from "Kismet" due to his injuries and wanted to spend some of it in Oakland with his family. He asked Sandra if she'd like to fly up to meet them. Sandra received permission from her parents and made arrangements to take a couple of days off school.
Steve recalled that Sandra looked like a super model with her new dress, gloves and hat. She wanted to look picture- perfect to meet his mom. Steve picked her up at the airport in the '48 Ford, then crossed the bay by the way of a ferryboat. Those wonderful curls in her hair came out with all the moisture from the bay and the motion of the water made her nauseous. Not an auspicious start!
However, once off the ferry Sandra felt better. The first stop was a visit with Ed and Alice Yarick. The Yaricks had a gorgeous little boy named Bart. Steve's mother baby-sat Bart on a regular basis. During their stay in Oakland, Steve and Sandra took Bart for a ride in Steve's convertible. Bart would pull himself up on Steve and lookout the windshield laughing with his dark brown locks blowing in the wind.
The first night, Steve's mother gave a party for Steve and Sandra. Al! of Steve's friends were there, including the Yaricks. Sandra was very nervous and scared because this was the first time she was away from home. Sandra and Goldie, Steve's mother, hit it off and began a friendship that lasted for years.
After the short stay, the couple drove back to Southern California in Steve's Ford. Steve stayed in Los Angeles for about two more weeks. His motorcycle injuries were nearly healed by then, and soon it was time for him to fly back to New York and resume his work in "Kismet." This meant another sad "farewell" for Steve and Sandra.
It now was around the first part of November and Steve called Sandra a couple days after arriving. At around 5:00 P.M. West Coast time Sandra's mother was cooking dinner when the phone rang. Sandra's mother answered it. She said "Sandra, It's for you. It's Steve."
Within the next few minutes, Steve proposed to Sandra. It didn't take her long to exclaim, "Yes!" He gave her three dates to choose from for the wedding because of the show's scheduling. Sandra was in her last year of high school and Steve said that she could finish school in Manhattan. Sandra and Steve settled on January 31st as their wedding date.
After getting off the phone, both Steve and Sandra were really excited. Sandra went running into the kitchen, jumping up and down telling her mother the big news. Her mother was very surprised and happy for her. When her dad got home from work they all sat down at the dinner table and her mother said, "Sandra tell him, tell him, tell your dad, tell your dad!" She quickly exclaimed: "Steve asked me to marry him!" Her dad sat for awhile and then said, "Hon, just don't move in with us." Her dad had spent many years working at the movie studios, and wanted to keep his daughter away from the studios and actors. He was taken back a bit and wondered how this happened. But he was really happy for his daughter and Steve.
After some logistics, they decided to have the wedding in Sherman Oaks, near Studio City in the San Fernando Valley. The small wedding was to take place on a Monday evening because of the show's scheduling.
The news of Steve Reeves' impending wedding was the talk of the entertainment and bodybuilding worlds. People began sending wedding gifts from all over the globe. Steve was 29 and Sandra was 18 when they married at the United Methodist Church in Sherman Oaks.
Famed artist and sculptor of prized Steve Reeves busts, Kenneth Kendall, was one of Steve's wedding attendants. Afterwards, a charming reception was held for the newlyweds at the home of Sandra's parents. It was a modest home on Bellingham Street in Studio City, also in the San Fernando Valley. It was an area inhabited by many famous and not-so-famous people who made their careers either on camera or elsewhere at the studios.
The wedding guests included only close relatives and friends along with one mysterious couple who travelled to the wedding from Germany. Neither Steve nor Sandra nor their parents had a clue whom the couple was, but they were quite cordial and seemed right at home with the wedding party!
No time for honeymoon. That very night, the new Mr. And Mrs. Steve Reeves boarded a plane for the Big Apple, just in time for Steve to make his curtain call the next evening. Steve and Sandra made their home in New York for a short time before leaving with the show for its extended road tour.
In our next segment, we'll see how Steve gets on with his life and his career and opens his gym in Florida.
Also in this Issue:
SRIS News - Web Page Online, New Powerful Supplements, Steve's Book Signing with California Fans, Steve Reeves Mailbox
Pioneer Award to Jack LaLanne - extensive interview
Steve Awarded AAU Bodybuilding Icon Award in North Carolina
Society Collectables - movie posters from around the world
Steve Reeves Exclusives - film and bodybuilding photos
Official SRIS Products
Steve Reeves International Society Newsletter Volumne 4 Number 3

Taking a Bite of the Big Apple
We pick up our story as the newlyweds, Steve and Sandra, board a flight out of Los Angeles Monday night, after their wedding reception, and head for New York. The plane arrived early Tuesday morning. It was Sandra's first time in the "Big Apple" and she marveled at the sights as they were driven to their apartment in Manhattan.
Steve's friend, Ken Hopewell, had worked over the weekend putting the final touches on the apartment for the couple. The apartment was leased to Steve's friend, James Garner. As he was leaving for Hollywood to do some film work, he offered it to Steve, an offer Steve was only too glad to accept.
Their second night back, Steve's vocal coach, George Griffin, invited them over for dinner. Steve recalls that Griffin told them that two of his students had just left for Hollywood. George said, "I want you to remember these names, they're going to make something of themselves. One is Shelly North and the other is the really talented Shirley MacLaine."
The quiet dinner at George's was the start of a social whirl for the new couple, as everyone wanted to meet the new Mrs. Steve Reeves. As well, Steve's show business connections meant there were higher profile parties to attend as well. On one such occasion, Steve and Sandra stepped into the elevator at the Ritz and were standing with Tyrone Powers. They all got off at the same floor - it seems that everyone was heading to the same party. It was a "who's who in show biz" at the gathering.
The Dream Ranch
Steve and Sandra had big plans for the future and dreamed about someday building a ranch in Montana. They both loved the great outdoors and wanted to raise horses and have lots of other animals around them, as they were both animal lovers. Occasionally they would go to pet shops to admire and cuddle the puppies, but they knew they'd have to move before getting a pet.
Part of their dream included balancing ranch life with two months a year in New York to eat at all the finest restaurants, dress to the hilt and see all the finest plays in town, and attend all the parties. But it remained only a dream for the young couple.
Hitting the Road
After six months the play "Kismet" went into rehearsals again and was preparing to go on the road around the first part of June. It was scheduled to run for four months and continue through September and then end.
Both Steve and Sandra went on the road with the show and traveled from town to town across the United States for the next four months, having the time of their life. All of the new places to see and experience! The complement of sixty cast and crew became one huge extended family. During that time many of the single people paired off and were married.
The play went into rehearsals, and after a few weeks it hit the road. It opened in New Haven, Connecticut, continuing on to Detroit, Michigan and Washington D.C.
Even at the very first performances, "The Vamp" was having some major problems. So they called in one of the top directors on Broadway, Josh Logan, to help fix the troubled production. He had such hits as "South Pacific" on Broadway.
Another problem they had was with the name of the play itself. In some towns it was called "Delilah" and in other towns it was "The Vamp." This only confused the public and the publicity surrounding it.
After returning to New York with the play, Steve and Sandra stayed at the Bryant Hotel on Broadway for a few weeks before receiving some dreaded news. Steve and Sandra were sitting in a restaurant eating with some of the other cast members when one of the actors walked in with some very bad news: he heard the show had been cancelled. What a great way to start off the New Year, with your play being cancelled and putting all of them out of work. Everyone was taken by surprise over the news but as they say, "That's show bizl" Carol Channing, who invested heavily into the show, lost all her money and her husband over it.
Heading South for the Winter
Now unemployed, Steve and Sandra started making plans for their future beyond Broadway lights. With nothing to tie them to New York, they decided to escape the cold in New York and move south to a warmer climate.
Steve read a magazine article on what a great place Florida was. He was also impressed with the beautiful photos in the magazine that showed Fort Lauderdale with all its sand and palm trees. He thought that there could be some really good opportunities there.
Knowing that in show business you could be eating one day but not the next, Steve always planned and saved for the lean times. He socked away enough money to start a new future for himself outside of show business.
So the Reeves decided to make the move! After buying a new 1956 Chevy station wagon for their big move, they packed it full and away they went!
Upon arriving in Fort Lauderdale, the couple stayed with friends of Steve who owned a gym there. Sandra was still quite young and somewhat insecure with their circumstances, while Steve was confident and always thinking about what was ahead for him to accomplish. So after talking it over, both agreed it would be a good idea for Sandra to return to her parents home in California for a while while Steve found his feet.
The Steve Reeves Athletic Club
While checking out Fort Lauderdale, Steve was contacted by a young weightlifter. He told Steve that he was attending law school and was thinking about selling the gym he owned in Miami.
A deal was made and Steve was now the owner of the Steve Reeves Athletic Club of Miami, Florida. Steve soon moved to Miami and found an apartment a couple blocks away from the gym. One of Steve's students, Delmar Pickle, (no kidding) won the Mr. Florida contest under Steve's training at his new gym.
Steve experienced many changes from the time he and Sandra came to New York and then to Florida. We'll explore more of Steve's life in Florida, his relationship with Sandra and Steve's ultimate return to show business next time.
Also in this Issue:
SRIS News - Steve's Next Book, New Montage "Hercules" Poster, Speedy Recovery to George Eiferman, New Powered Supplements, Steve Reeves Mailbox
Pioneer Award to Abbye "Pudgy" Stockton
Whatever Happened To? - Sylva Koscina, Christine Kaufmann, Virna Lisi and director Arthur Lubin
Powerwalking Revisited - transcript of 1983 TV interview of Steve on Powerwalking
Society Collectables - movie posters from around the world
Steve Reeves Exclusives - new film and bodybuilding photos
Official SRIS Products
Steve Reeves International Society Newsletter Volumne 4 Number 4

Steve's Return to Hollywood
Sandra finally arrived at her parents home, and they were very glad to see her. Steve called to make sure she arrived safely and was enjoying a pleasant visit with her family.
Back in Miami, Steve was getting his new gym in order. He had a new window sign made and, within a couple of weeks, was open for business. Things were fine in Florida, but not so in California.
Shortly after Sandra's arrival, her little poodle was hit by a car and died. Sandra was very upset over both the loss of her dog and being away from Steve. She called Steve and cried to him about everything. Steve told her in a gentle, caring tone, "You come right home." So a few days later, Sandra sold the VW to her father and flew back to Miami and Steve. For the next nine months, the two of them shared their lives. Sandra wanted to help out and found part time employment right at a department store.
Unfortunately, the two discovered love was not enough to keep them together. Steve's restless spirit kept him on a quest for further adventure. He spent much of his time reading books on Brazil and other South American countries, and thinking about starting a big cattle ranch down there. He dreamed of heading into the Brazilian jungles to carve out a huge spread for cattle raising. Sometimes he talked about riding with the gauchos in Argentina - he was definitely looking to change his life's direction.
Sandra was still somewhat immature and young and felt confused with all the changes in their lives; she couldn't see herself taking part in all these South American adventure plans and Steve's show business career. And so, the marriage was over. The Reeves filed for divorce.
Sandra went on to become very successful in the banking field and now writes several newsletters for government officials. She is semi-retired and lives with her husband on a picturesque piece of land in New Mexico.
Steve sold the gym to one of his members and decided to return to California to plan his next move.
The Return to Los Angeles
Steve and Sandra were both returning to Los Angeles, and since there were no hard feelings between them, they decided to drive back together. They parted ways at her parents' home in Studio City, California.
Several times over the next few months, Steve and Sandra would date each other, and even spent New Year's Eve together. Although divorced, they continued to enjoy each other's company and spent much time together.
Steve went back to work at Burt Goodrich's Gym in Hollywood. He also found a basement room to rent that was close enough to the gym that he could walk there. After a month at Goodrich's, Steve was hired by the American Health Studios as their new public relations person. He traveled throughout Southern California opening the gyms.
During that time, Steve made several guest appearances at different events. One such event was held at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, where both a beauty and a bodybuilding contest were going on at the same time. Competing in the body building contest was a forty-something body builder in great shape. It was Vince Gironda, who owned a gym in Studio City.
While Steve continued with his public appearances for American Health Studios, the wheels of fate were turning in his direction.
The Italian Connection
Over in Italy, Pietro Francisci had written a script for a movie on Hercules. He and his colleagues spend the last five years looking for the perfect man to play Hercules. Francisci found some guys who were in great shape, but not tall enough. Others were tall enough, but not built up enough. Occasionally he would come across someone whom he thought would fit the bill, but they never had any acting skills.
So the search went on until Steve's movie, "Athena," began playing in Italy. Francisici's 13-year old daughter happen to see "Athena." For most of her life, she heard her father lamenting about his search for a Hercules. Then, up on the screen, she saw this great looking, well built young man. As soon as the movie ended, she hurried home, to her father and exclaimed, "Papa, I've found your Hercules!" Francisci quizzed his daughter and they ran back to the theatre so he could view her idea of his Hercules. As soon as he saw Steve on the screen, he knew his search was over.
Upon arriving home, he immediately wrote a letter to the studio, asking them to forward the letter to Steve Reeves. He explained in the letter to Steve that he was interested in casting him in the lead role of Hercules, stated his terms of the offer and asked for a reply right away. Steve read the letter and decided he needed a couple of days to think about the offer.
What concerned him was how could he tell Ray Wilson, who hired him at American Health Studios (and later became the very successful owner of the Family Fitness Centers), that he was going to quit? When Ray hired Steve, he made a deal with Steve that he would hire him only if he forgot all about this acting thing, and Steve agreed. But how could Steve not take this offer from Francisci? He couldn't turn it down.
Steve wrote Francisci and started the process. In the meantime, Steve started growing longer sideburns, a moustache and a goatee. Ray asked Steve about it and he replied, "I look so young. I think it will make me look older and more distinguished." Ray agreed.
Steve found an agent to handle all of the details and a month later Steve received a contract, signed it and accepted the offer. He finally had to tell Ray that he was quitting because of a job offer for the Hercules movie. Ray wasn't very happy but he understood.
In our next segment, Steve begins his starring role, and we'll learn all about when he made this film and just what it meant to him. We'll also see how this event affected his life, and how his agent started taking advantage of him, and why he had to again ask Ray Wilson for a job and what he offered to do.
Also in this Issue:
SRIS News - John Grimek - in Memoriam, Report from 50th Mr. Universe Contest, Steve Reeves Mailbox
Pioneer Award to the Dynamic George Eiferman
Whatever Happened To? - Mylene Demongeot, Scilla Gabel, Jacques Sernas and Luciana Paluzzi
In John Grimek's Own Words - How Steve Reeves Trained for the 1950 Mr. Universe
Society Collectables - movie posters from around the world
Official SRIS Products
Copyright Steve Reeves International 2017