Steve doing a military recruitment photo

Camp Roberts barraks with men.

World War II put a temporary halt to Steve's bodybuilding, for as soon as he graduated from high school he joined the Army. On September 12, 1944 Steve reported to the Presidio of Monterey, California for induction into the Army.
After taking his oath of allegiance, he boarded a bus for Camp Roberts, which is located between San Francisco and Los Angeles, approximately 15 miles north of Paso Robles, California.
After basic training Steve went into advanced combat training preparing for war. After completion of his special training he received orders to ship out to the Philippines. He was granted a two-week leave and returned to Oakland to spend time with his family and friends. Unfortunately, a flu bug followed him home and he spent the entire two weeks sick in bed! He returned to Camp Roberts for processing and assignment.
Steve and his company were transported to San Francisco to board a troop ship heading for the Philippines. The ship arrived at the island of Mindanao in the Philippines mid-month in February 1945. Mindanao was a replacement camp for the 25th infantry Division. Steve landed on Luzon by way of Lingayen Beach and continued with his company to San Jacinto, the Division headquarters. The division continued on and advanced to San Manuel.
General Mac Authur paid a visit to San Manuel while Steve was there. Steve belonged to Company A of the 25th Division, which was involved in the taking of Balete Pass. After much fighting Steve contracted malaria, complicated by a serious jungle fever. Steve was transported to a Manilla hospital where he spent months recuperating.
After Japan was taken Steve was assigned to Japan after the allied occupation. He was stationed to the town of Otaruon on Nokkaido Island. On September 18, 1946, Steve finally stood on good old American terra firma. It was now time for him to get on with the rest of his life.
The complete stories of Steve's Army adventures can be found in the members' area of the site. Learn what happen to Steve when he was separated from the rest of the troops one night around Balete Pass. Find out how Steve trained while he was in the service and how he got the nick name the "SHAPE".

Photo and letter Steve sent home from Japan.

Steve's Discharge papers

Army school for English Grammar and Typing

Steve's Army dog tags

Steve's duffle bag

Steve's backpack frame has his initials carved into top
Copyright Steve Reeves International 2017