Steve Reeves International Society Introduction

George Eiferman, Steve and Muscle Mag publisher Robert Kennedy.

About us
SRIS (Steve Reeves International Society) was founded by George Helmer, a long time friend and business partner of Steve Reeves.
In 1994 George received exclusive permission by Steve to establish SRIS and started the SRIS Newsletter. After 2002 George decided to devote his time in writing books on Steve that had much more detail and this continues today in 2017.
In 1994 he launched the first Steve Reeves web site and a new corporate company, Steve Reeves International Inc. in 1996. George continue with his mission of honoring and spreading the word on Steve Reeves and has launched the newest version of the website in March 2017.
With the passing of Steve Reeves in 2000, George oversaw the Steve Reeves Estate and fulfilled Steve's last wishes. George continues his ongoing quest to share Steve's visions and personal life with the millions of fans worldwide. In October 2014 George decided to write the book, A Moment In Time - The Steve Reeves Story, a 240 page biography on Steve. George has now taken over the complete redesigning and updating of the website which you see here today.
The society has grown from 50 members in 1994 to thousands of members worldwide. The corporation continues to publish critically acclaimed books on fitness, bodybuilding and his movies. Fans will also find an excellent choice of other products available from the online store. We have many more project planned for the future, stay tuned!
George Helmer owns the exclusive rights to Steve Reeves name and image.
For information on the licensing of Steve Reeves name or image, please contact George Helmer at: srhercules@aol.com or call him at: 949-285-6345

From left to right fan, George Efierman (Mr. America 1948), Steve and I'm on the end.

Here I'm standing next to large size stand-up of Steve. Original Sandow on right side. Taken at the Mr. Olympia contest, our booth.

Steve with Dr. Grover Porter at Falls Church Maryland, at the Mr. America Contest

Steve and I in Las Vegas at our booth. ESPN filming a spot about Steve and his bodybuilding.

Here I'm with the lergendary Bill Pearl who won many titles over the years including 5 time Mr. Universe winner,
Copyright Steve Reeves International 2017
Steve and his friend the one and only Jack LaLanne.

Here is Frank Zane (Mr. Olympia (3 Times), Mr. Universe (3 Times), Mr. World and Mr America and Steve at Expo in Las Vegas 1996.

Larry Scott first time and consecutive Mr. Olympia 1965 &1966 at our booth in Las Vegas.