
Steve did not escape the notice of filmmakers. One of the first to contact the young bodybuilder, fresh from his win at 1947 Mr. America contest, was Cecil B. De Mille, the famous director of screen epics. He needed someone to play the Biblical hero Samson in his next extravaganza, and Steve seemed just the one for the job. As time went on Steve did not play Samson but it did give him a chance to see what it was going to be like in the film industry.
Steve made quite a bit of news over the years. Although he never won an American awards for acting, he was the most highly paid actor of his day. Success is measured by many yardsticks - Steve's philosophy was that if he was working and enjoying iwhat he was doing, than that was success.
"Steve Reeves - His Legacy In Films" can be purchased at our store which is filled with all of his film work below. Over 270 pages packed full of information plus photos both in black and white and color. This book has been called the best book on Steve Reeves film works ever written! Don't wait get your book today from our store.
Steve Reeves' Film Appearances

Jail Bait
Jail Bait, aka The Hidden Face, as Lieutenant Lawrence, 1954. Directed by the infamous Ed Wood.

Athena filmed with Jane Powell & Debbie Reynolds, Steve played Ed Perkins in this 1954 musical. This was Steve first major film and was the film that started his career as Hercules.

Hercules, (USA) - 1959, aka Le Fatiche di Ercole (Italy) - 1957
"This film would change my life forever." - Steve Reeves
Filming Locations: Cinecitta Studios, Rome and Northern Italy.
Letter to Aline: Miss Aline Czartjarwicz July 1, 1959. It certainly was a rare treat to meet youand have your pleasant company with us for the premiere showing of "Hercules". Joseph E. Levine

Hercules Unchained
Hercules Unchained, (USA) - 1959, aka Ercole e la Regina di Lidia (Italy) - 1959
"I was always grateful for the opportunity to make the sequel". - Steve Reeves
Filming Locations: Cinecitta Studios, Rome and Northern Italy.
Letter to Steve: Dear Steve: HERCULES is still performing wonders here in America and is rolling up big grosses, for that I'm thankful. See the rest of the letter in our book.

The White Warrior
The White Warrior, (USA) - 1961, aka Agi Murad il Diavolo Bianco (Italy) - 1959
"Working with director Riccardo Freda was a highlight of the film" - Steve Reeves
Filming Location: Northern Italy and Opatija, Yugoslavia.
Letter to Steve's wife: "Dear Lena, Things are going well for me here in Opatija. The climate, air & food agree with me". Much more in my book "Steve Reeves His Legacy In Films" Purchase at our store.

Goliath and the Barbarians
Goliath and the Barbarians, (USA) - 1959, aka - II Terrore Del Barbari (Italy) - 1959
"I had much fun making this film; however the film had a slim budget and the results could have been better." - Steve Reeves
Filming Location: Southern Italy.
"What strongman Steve endures is beyond anything attempted in his previous Italian made adventure tales, and is quite stirring enough to cause teenagers to yell with enthusiasm. - Boston Herald Traveler

The Last Days of Pompeii
The Last Days of Pompeii, (USA) 1960, aka Gli Ultimi Giorni di Pompei (Italy) 1959
"Though it was another remake, the film could easily stand on its own." - Steve Reeves
Filming Locations: Pompeii, Naples, and Campania, Italy; Madrid, Barcelona, and Almeria, Spain.
"Few people realize that during the making of Pompeii, I dislocated my shoulder when the chariot I was driving slid into a tree." - Steve Reeves much more on this in our book, get it at our store!
The Giant of Marathon
The Giant of Marathon, (USA) 1960, aka La Bauuaglia di Maratona (Italy) 1959
"A good script with exceptional Mario Bava photography." - Steve Reeves
Filming Locations: Italy and Yugoslavia
"I've always enjoyed the thrill and sport of horseback riding. This film gave me another opportunity to do one of my favorite things. It definitely was another reason, outside of the excellent script, to accept this part in the film." - Steve Reeves
Morgan the Pirate
Morgan the Pirate, USA 1961, aka Morgan il Pirata (Italy) 1960
"Thanks to a terrific cast, crew, and script, probably one of my best films." Steve Reeves
Film Locations: Island of Ischia in the Tyrrhenian Sea (near Italy), Titanus Studios, Rome Italy.
Fencing Master Enzo Greco worked with Steve for 6 weeks to prepare for the role of Morgan. "Steve is such a marvelous natural athlete that he began to look like an expert swordsman in only a few days". - Enzo Greco Check out our store for this DVD and our film book on Steve.

Thief of Baghdad
The Thief of Baghdad (USA) 1961, aka il Ladro di Bagdad (Italy) 1961
"A tough and time-consuming film to make, but it yielded good results." Steve Reeves
Film Locations: Tunisia, Titanus Studios in Rome.
"Weightlifting was never like this. I've never had a part that called for so much physical action. I feel like I've been through a sort of motion-picture decathlon. But I never felt better than when I was in Tunisia, despite the fact that Thief of Baghdad was a very strenuous role." Steve Reeves
Steve weighed in at 195 pounds for this film. Find it for sale in our store.
The Trojan Horse
The Trojan Horse (USA) 1962, aka La Guerre de Troia (Italy) 1961
"A very good screenplay, tons of extras, and a real Trojan Horse." Steve Reeves
Film Locations: Italy, France, Yugoslavia.
"It was also nice having a fellow American actor on the set with me. I welcomed the opportunity to share scenes with another English speaking actor John Drew Barrymore. John was a nice guy and we certainly enjoyed working together. Steve Reeves
Duel of the Titans
Duel of the Titans (USA) 1963, aka Romolo e Remo (Italy) 1961
"A great opportunity to work with close friend Gordon Scott and new starlet Virna Lisi."
Film Locations: Locations throughout Italy.
"I understand veteran sword and sandal actor Richard Harrison wanted very much to play the part of Remus in the film. If Gordon had not accepted the part. I would have given Richard serious consideration because he is an exceptional actor with lots of experience. In addition, he would have made an excellent Remus. Steve Reeves

The Slave
The Slave (USA) 1963, aka il Figlio di Spartacus (Italy) 1962
"Being on location in the Middle East and working again with director Sergio Corbucci made this a memorable experience." Steve Reeves
Film Locations: Studios Misr Guizeh le Caire, France, Titanus Studio in Rome, and Egypt.
Of all Steve's filming locations, Egypt was his favorite. It wasn't so much the beautiful dessert and terrain there, but the positive vibrations he felt all around him during the filming. He told people he felt like a king or some official during his brief stay there.

The Avenger
The Avenger (USA) 1964, aka La Leggenda di Enea (Italy) 1962
"A low-budget sequel to "The Trojan Horse" that unfortunately never measured up to the original." Steve Reeves
Film Locations: Italy, France, Yugoslavia
"The reason I did this film is that I had done The Trojan Horse, and I had a two-picture contract with the same production company. I remember that compared with the original, as well as many of my other films, very few scenes in this film were shot on soundstages.
Sandokan the Great
Sandokan the Great (USA) 1965, aka Sandokan, La Tigre di Mompracem (Italy)
"A character a little different for me, yet a film I enjoyed making. Steve Reeves
Film Locations: Ceylon (modern day Sri Lanka). Malaya, Northern Spain, and Italy.
Sandokan the Great was filmed in late summer and early fall of 1963. Originally titled Pirate Prince, the film was so popular in Malaysia, one theater showed it continuously for a year, four showings a day.
Pirates of the Seven Seas
Pirates of the Seven Seas (USA) 1967, aka I pirati della Malesia (Italy) 1964
"A respectable sequel but whose scope and quality were limited by its low budget". Steve Reeves
Film Locations: Northern Spain, Italy, Greece, and Singapore.
"Both Sandokan films did very well overseas markets, especially in Asia, but very slow business here in America. Both films also suffered in quality and post production because too much of the films budget ended up being spent on traveling between various locations". Steve Reeves
A Long Ride from Hell
A Long Ride from Hell (USA) 1970, aka Vivo per La tun Morte (Italy) 1969
"I wanted to do a western before I left the movies. It was almost the same thing as the sword and sandal films except you wore a cowboy outfit instead of a Greek toga."
Film Locations: Almeria, Spain, and Titantus Studios in Rome.
"The film made excellent money in Italy, but in the U.S. receipts were quite small. In fact, the picture was barely released in the U.S. Cinerama Releasing Corp. (CRC) bought it for U.S. distribution and at the time, they were having many financial troubles.
Copyright Steve Reeves International 2017