Steve's focus on health has been well-documented. Always a believer in natural fitness, he has written books, contributed numerous magazine articles to various publications over the years and was an advocate for banning the use of drugs in the sport of bodybuilding.
Because of his focus on health and fitness, Steve retained an excellent physique, sense of vitality and energy throughout his life. When he could no longer work in his chosen profession or indulge in the sport of bodybuilding due to an accident on the set of one of his films, he found other ways of staying fit.
Reeves pioneered the sport of PowerWalking, using weights and developing a stride that has raised speed walking to Olympic status! However, he always maintained that even people who just want to stay fit could and would benefit from a regular fitness regime - no matter what their age or level of fitness when they started!
These principles have distilled themselves in several books - on PowerWalking, Bodybuilding, and Nutrition as well as a line of natural vitamin and protein supplements that thousands have benefited from. We haven't produced the supplements for a few years, but hope to make them available again in the future. The books are available for you to purchase through our online store.

Steve doing leg presses with Joe Weider looking on at Steve's home gym

Steve's focus on health has been well-documented. Always a believer in natural fitness, he has written books, contributed numerous magazine articles to various publications over the years and was an advocate for banning the use of drugs in the sport of bodybuilding.
I remember the first time I went over to Steve's 14 acre ranch in Valley Center. He had invited me down to San Diego at the end of the day when he was my special guess at the grand opening of our new health club & gym "The Power Source" in Rancho Cucamonga California.
I was greeted my his wife Aline at the door of their beautiful adobe ranch house. After Steve showed me around the ranch we went back inside to have lunch. On one end of this long massive table sat Steve and on the other end Aline. I sat on one side of the table between them which made me feel like I was sitting with the King and Queen in their castle.
On the table was a huge bowl of salad, some chicken, natural rice, and peas. Aline brought out our drinks which on this day was 1/3 fresh raspberry juice, 1/3 fresh squeezed orange juice, and 1/3 cold water. Steve sat there explaining what I was eating and what the nutritional values were in each item. Steve was truly an expert in many things and especially nutrition and training.
My biggest worry at lunch was that I didn't drop the peas off my fork in front of Steve. Well I got through the lunch without embarrassing myself and truly enjoyed the deliciously prepared foods. Several funny stories came from this lunch but one I always like to tell is the one where he stepped away from the table just before we started eating.
Aline said to me as Steve left the room was "George, make sure you get what you want to start with". I found out that day Steve had a great appetite and by the end of lunch everything was consumed. Remember, Steve required a high number of calories because he was very active with the ranch from morning to night. He burned lots of calories and by looking at him you would have thought he was on some special low calorie diet. He knew his body and what it took to fuel it without putting on fat. The foods he ate throughout his life were always the best for your body. Not saying he wouldn't go out and eat something not so healthy but he eat healthy 98 percent of the time.
There is a lot more information about his nutrition practices in our books which you will not find elsewhere. Steve Reeves became who he was in the fitness and bodybuilding world by a combination of following a excellent nutritional plain, having the best training methods, and blessed with superior genetics.
Steve at Stinson Beach just North of the Golden Gate Bridge in Marin County

Promotional shot of Steve in the pool during the time he was doing the Ralph Edwards Show.
Great photo of Steve! Not sure where this
was taken but will update when I find out. I supect it was in Southern California during the late 1940's
Copyright Steve Reeves International 2017